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Optimal Clusters Lennard-Jones

211 to 220 particles

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The icosahedron (You can move the particles with the mouse).
Remark. The missing particles are in red.

211  IC  -1,307.1813                                        212  IC  -1,314.1736

213  IC  -1,321.3500                                        214  IC  -1,327.8045

215  IC  -1,334.2582                                        216  IC  -1,340.7112

217  IC  -1,347.2505                                        218  IC  -1,354.1920

219  IC  -1,361.3656                                        220  IC  -1,368.3492

Next 221-230 particles        Table of Lennard-Jones

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This site was last updated 07/05/10