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Optimal Clusters Lennard-Jones

181 to 190 particles

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The icosahedron (You can move the particles with the mouse).
Remark. The missing particles are in red.

181  IC  -1,099.4116                                        182  IC  -1,105.8637

183  IC  -1,112.3152                                                  184  IC  -1,118.7677

Click to see the new values and figures for
185   IC   -1,125.4938 (!!)  186   IC   -1,132.6700 (!)  187   IC  -1,139.4557 (!)

Click to see the old values and figures for
185  FD  -1,125.2998 186  FD  -1,132.5032  187  ID   -1,139.2400

188  ID  -1,146.4391

189  ID  -1,153.6370                                        190  ID  -1,161.3019

(!) PD Dr. Bernd Hartke reported 3 new minimal potentials for the clusters: 185 (-1125.304876), 186 (-1132.669966), and 187 (-1139.455696) [Sep 24, 1999].
(!!) Dr. Bob Leary 185 (-1125.4938). San Diego Supercomputer Center [Jan 21, 2000].

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This site was last updated 07/05/10