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Optimal Clusters Lennard-Jones

271 to 280 particles

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The icosahedron (You can move the particles with the mouse).
Remark. The missing particles are in red.

271  IC  -1,727.5563                                        272  IC  -1,734.5628

273  IC  -1,741.7998                                        274  IC  -1,749.0374

275  IC  -1,756.2740                                        276  IC  -1,763.5107

277  IC  -1,770.7371                                        278  IC  -1,777.9640

279  IC  -1,785.1904                                        280  IC  -1,792.4173

Next 281-290 particles        Table of Lennard-Jones

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This site was last updated 07/05/10